Vibrant Aposematic Mating Display: Cicadas’ Bold Warning of Defenses

cicadas in corbett

Aposematic behavior, observed in various animal species, serves as a warning to potential predators. In the case of this mating pair of cicadas, an intriguing display of this behavior can be witnessed. As they engage in the act of mating, one individual boldly reveals its vibrant red body coloration by elegantly lifting a single wing when approached. This distinctive and conspicuous signal sends a clear message to any would-be attackers: “Beware! I am armed with toxins or defenses that could harm you.” Through this striking exhibition, the cicada exhibits its confidence, asserting its unpalatability, and ensuring its safety during this crucial phase of reproduction.

This interesting behaviour was recorded by Jim’s Jungle Retreat’s chief naturalist Manoj Sharma while conducting a walk at the Retreat.

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