Tigers In Corbett

Highly endangered, tigers occur in parts of Siberia, south China, Indo China, south-east Asia and the Indian subcontinent. Whereas it is on the verge of extinction in most parts of its range, a major world population of wild tigers survives in India. According to last tiger census estimates, India is home to an approximate population of 2967 tigers.

Corbett Tiger Reserve has the maximum number of Tigers among all Tiger Reserves in the country. There are 266 tigers recorded in the reserve, out of which 231 are estimated to be resident and the remaining live on the periphery and frequently move in and out of the reserve. The number of tigers in Corbett Tiger Reserve is likely to go up as we await fresh tiger census data. This has become possible due to excellent anti-poaching efforts and efficient tiger monitoring by the forest department.

On one of the safaris to Corbett Tiger Reserve, Jim’s Jungle Retreat Chief Naturalist Manoj Sharma recorded this young male tiger while it was taking a stroll on the edge of a grassland in a patch of jungle close to the Retreat.

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