State of panic

The Spotted Deer are blessed with amazing senses of smell, hearing and sight. When a predator is on the move, the deer can smell it from a great distance when the wind direction is correct. The ears of the spotted deer are large and can be moved in all directions to capture the slightest sound that the predator may make, while it is stalking the herd. They can see very well and their sharp eyes can pick up any movement through thick undergrowth. Above all these abilities, the spotted deer find safety in numbers. Despite all these abilities to out-manoeuvre the predator, what saves a spotted deer’s life is the state of alertness they slips into when they are not sure of their safety.
However, on many occasions, this state of alertness may turn into a state of panic when something alarms an individual member of the herd and others start following the leader. This spotted deer herd was not sure what they were reacting to, but any sudden move by some alarmed members of the herd was trigger enough for the others to follow.



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